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Dinarland Highlights – 7.14.24
[via PDK]
Question: Are we there yet??
MarkZ:We are sure stinkin close.
Mountain Goat
In talking to my CBI contact …I was told there is a master plan they are following to get to the reinstatement…The point that was made to me…is that the IQD should already be reinstated if nothing else to what it was prior to 1990, then to let it float and the market will drive it like any other foreign currency that is traded…
Frank26 (KTFA)
The FITR…it’s a transaction activity platform that’s interesting becausethey are exchanging and trading funds that come under the category of cross currency swapping and they are including now the Iraqi dinar. Why would you Mr. Country whoever-you-are, why would you want to be involved with the Iraqi dinar?Why would you want to do any type of transaction activity with the FITR when you’re dealing with a currency that has no value? Obviously there is a value. Obviously they know more than we know. This currency swapping is a very very significant thing.
How many times have I said to youthe moment you see the HCL within nanoseconds you’ll see the new exchange rate?It’s just like saying ladies and gentlemen you’re about to see the new lower notes.Well then you’re also going to see the new exchange rate. They both go hand in hand.
Slow down! Chew your food. You don’t have to be a doberman pinscher and swallow your food whole. Slow down.When the float starts you have to want it, you have to study it. You have to time it. You have to know when to hold’m and when to fold’m.
This is big…
Article Quote:
“According to the latest data that is available, transactions through the central bank electronic platform have considerably increased withdaily transactions reaching $200 million which is consistent with the size of Iraq’s economy. This marks a substantial rise from…2023 when transactions were around $50 million per day.”
That’s a huge increase of $150 million. This is right on par with Iraq’s economy but the fact that the transactions have increased is a big plus for people investing in Iraq dinar…
Article quote:
“The transparency provides a realtime reporting on the FITR platform can also enhance market confidence in the Iraqi dinar.Investors and traders are more likely to trust a currency whose transactions are openly documented and monitored by regulatory authorities.This increase in confidence can contribute to a greater stability in the foreign exchange market for Iraq dinar…Higher levels of activity transactions being reported on the FITR platform can indicate a vibrant and active economy.A robust economy often translates to a stronger currency value as investors are more willing to hold the asset denominated in that currency.“
This is good news but again you guys stay grounded. Sandy by. Every day there’s more and more good news coming out of Iraq…This is great news.
RayRen98 (TNT)
[via Babysmom]
Samson (KTFA)
“Sources:The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq made an unannounced visit to Washington on the Chinese yuan”
”WTO Working Party Meeting July 18th after 16 years”
Clare (KTFA)
“Source: Iraq’s Central Bank Governor in unannounced visit to US to discuss Yuan ban”
“al-Allaq departed for Washington last Tuesday to meet with officials from the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury Department.”
They haven’t started oil pumping and you have to ask yourself, why?Because they need revaluation for that and I think that’s what we’re waiting for.Is that some sort of delay?I don’t think so. I think the inner connectivity of the most complex revaluation situation in the history of mankind…is complex.
Walkingstick (KTFA)
[The budget] contains the exchange rate for everything that needs it.
Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and Global Currency Reset News | Dinar Chronicles
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
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