by Tiffany Davis 21 Comments
In today’s modern world we can make the internet our teacher. I bring you15 Vintage Skills That Can Be Learned On YouTube. Now I know that some YouTube channels are not to be trusted but there are some awesome teachers out there that have a passion, like me, to keep these skills alive. Now their lessons are easily accessible thanks to the internet. I have included 15 different skills that I think you can learn very well on via videos. These are also vintages skills I’ve discussed in other articles. I feel that many kids aren’t being taught these practical skills because many of their parents never learned. You are NEVER too old to learn vintage skills; and learning has never been easier!
I’ll tell you that I had the opportunity to learn many of these skills in my younger days but either didn’t want to or didn’t keep using them. I have used YouTube to learn and relearn and I love that I can pause or rewind over and over without annoying the teacher. 😉
- Knitting (loom knitting)
I think knitting is a vintage skill that has really enjoyed a revival across generations. I have recently taken up loom knitting, which I now prefer because it is so fast. I’ve included some beginner video for both. - Crochet
I’ll be honest, I gave up crochet. It is one of those skills that I just can’t seem to get. I keep saying I’ll pick up my hook again and give it a-go…but it hasn’t happened for awhile. But I still believe it is an awesome skill to have and many wonderful/useful projects can be made with simple crochet stitches! When it comes tovintage skills that can be learned on YouTube, crochet is definitely an easier one. - Sewing / Mending
Whether you’re sewing clothes, curtains or just mending things around the house, basic sewing is something we all should know how to do. A good basic sewing machine is all that is required – nothing fancy. I just bought this one for my youngest last Christmas. - Hand Sew on Buttons
Ok, technically this is sewing but not everyone can or will invest in a sewing machine. But we call can (and should) keep a simple hand sewing kit at home for small repairs like putting buttons back on clothing. I was shocked to learn that my husband didn’t know how to do this when we got married, because his mother is an awesome seamstress…teach your sons too! - Wood Cutting (Splitting) with an AxeA chainsaw is a great thing and I certainly wouldn’t discourage you from doing it. But I think it is important to learn how to “manually” cut wood with an axe as well.
- Canning
We have to learn good, safe, canning techniques. But don’t let canning scare you – it is one of those amazingvintage skills that can be learned on YouTube with confidence. If you don’t care for the ones I’ve shared, search for others – there are tons! - Creating a Written Budget
I am a BIG believer in a written budget that zeros out every month. This is a great way to live within your means, pay off debt and get money in your savings. But this skills isn’t taught in many schools today. They teach how to use credit cards but not how to budget your life with your cash! I check my bank account daily and make sure that we are on target with our budget. It really makes a difference. - Fermentation
Fermentation is a skill that not only helps to preserve our harvest, it is good for us too. It truly is an art form and so many things can be fermented that there is not just one video I can share with you. But I have included some of my favorite fermented items! - Cheese Making
Cheese making is another vintage skill that can be learned on YouTube with general ease. I suggest starting with a simple mozzarella. But you’ll want to move on soon so try searching out the cheese you want to try. - Plant Fruit Trees
There really are some simple and essential steps to know for successful fruit trees. So much to be learned! - Foraging
Foraging will be different depending on where you live. I do suggest finding a local mentor when you can. If not search for a forager in your area on YouTube! - Save Seeds
All gardeners should be saving their own seeds. The more you grow and save from your own garden the more adapted those plants become. Not to mention it is a money saver! - Rendering Lard & Tallow
Grandma knew how great lard and tallow was and you should too! - Hang Drying Herbs
I love my dehydrator but hanging herbs out to dry is traditional and I can do a lot more at one time. It is certainly a vintage skill you want to have if you’re growing culinary and medicinal herbs. - How to Change a Tire
Ok I’ll admit this one may not be too vintage but it sure is practical. Boys and girls need to know how to change a tire!
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